Order Tracking

Order Tracking

Usually we will send your order tracking number to your email within 24 hours after you place your order, if you don’t see this email, it may have gone into the spam folder. You can also email service@shimmerwig.com to ask for your tracking info.

The following are commonly used package tracking websites, you can choose the appropriate website to track your order.

17TRACK: https://www.17track.net/en

Aftership: https://www.aftership.com/track

DHL: https://www.dhl.com/us-en/home.html

FedEx: https://www.fedex.com/en-us/home.html

Ask for Compensation

Ask for Compensation

If your package is not shipped out within 5 working days, you can ask us for compensation after receiving your wig. We value your shopping experience and our brand reputation so much, and we are doing our best to make it better and better.

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